Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Adding Value To Your Creations

Everyone can create! Take an example of mobile phone in your pocket. When you record, you create an audio. When you click, you crate a photograph and when you shoot, you create a video. So creating something is not a big thing, but creating meaningful is indeed.

Common people need help of tools for their creation, like camera,  recorder, etc, while talented people use their skill as a tool to create beautiful things. The musician composes a tune, a painter draws a painting, an author writes stories. Basically these people conceive ideas in different forms. However form is not as important as an idea behind their creation. The message, it conveys is vital. How it connects with people, how it convince people and how it encourage people to create something is very important. Because this is how one creation inspires another.

When you create something, you add things to your legacy. However the question you should ask to yourself whether those creations are worth to leave behind? Should I be remembered for those creations? 


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